Katherine Lippel
Researcher, Legislation Policies, Programs & Practices Theme
Katherine Lippel, LL.L., LL.M, is a member of the Québec bar and is a full professor of law at the Faculty of Law (Civil Law Section) at the University of Ottawa. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety Law. Click here to visit Katherine Lippel's site for the Canada Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law. She is also an associate professor of law at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where she was a professor from 1982-2006, and she is a member of the CINBIOSE research centre as well as being an adjunct professor at Carleton University's School of Social Work since 2010. She specialises in legal issues relating to occupational health and safety and workers' compensation and is the author of numerous publications in the field. Her research interests include the following themes: Work and mental health; health effects of compensation systems; policy, precarious employment and occupational health; interactions between law, science and medicine in the field of occupational health and safety; disability prevention and compensation systems; women's occupational health; regulatory issues in occupational health and safety. She has received various awards for her research including the Prize for Excellence in research, 2010, from the University of Ottawa and the Award for Academic Excellence of the Canadian association of law teachers (CALT), in 2005. She was made a member of the Royal Society of Canada in 2010. Recent publications include two books on workers' compensation law and several articles on psychological harassment, therapeutic jurisprudence in the field of workers' compensation, precarious employment and occupational health and safety regulation and gender based analysis of compensation systems. Related Research Peer-reviewed journal articles K. Lippel, «Les enjeux juridiques et sociaux du recours aux enquêteurs privés pour surveiller les victimes de lésions professionnelles», (2005) 47(1) Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 127-173 K. Lippel, «Does Quebec law recognize collective responsibility for the economic consequences of impairments, disabilities or handicaps? Could it do so?», (2005) 14(2-3) Human Development, Disability and Social Change 6-19 S. Gravel, J.M. Brodeur, F. Champagne, K. Lippel, L. Patry, L. Boucheron, M. Fournier et B. Vissandjée, «Critères pour apprécier les difficultés d'accès à l'indemnisation des travailleurs victimes de lésions professionnelles», (2006) 8(2) Revue Pistes http://www.pistes.uqam.ca/v8n2/articles/v8n2a6.htm K. Lippel «Workers describe the effect of the workers' compensation process on their health: A Quebec study», (2007) 30 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 427-443 S. Premji, K. Messing et K. Lippel, «Would a 'one-handed' scientist lack rigour? How scientists discuss the work-relatedness of musculoskeletal disorders», (2008) 51(3) American Journal of Industrial Medicine 173-185 S. Premji, K. Messing et K. Lippel, «Broken English, Broken Bones? Mechanisms Linking Language Proficiency and Occupational Health in a Montreal Garment Factory», (2008) 38(1) International Journal of Health Services 1-19 R. Cox et K. Lippel, «Falling through the legal cracks: The pitfalls of using workers' compensation data as indicators of work-related injuries and illnesses», (2008) 6(2) Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 9-30 P. Loisel, Q. Nha Hong, D. Imbeau, K. Lippel, J. Guzman, E. MacEachen et M. Corbière, B. Santos et J. Anema, «The Work Disability Prevention CIHR Strategic Training Program: Program Performance after Five years of Implementation», (2009) 19 (1) Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 1-7 S. Gravel, B. Vissandjée, K. Lippel, J.-M. Brodeur, L. Patry et F. Champagne, «Ethics and the Compensation of Immigrant Workers for Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses», (2010) 12 (5) Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 707-714 K. Lippel, «Le droit québécois et les troubles musculo-squelettiques : règles relatives à l'indemnisation et à la prévention», (2009) 11(2) Revue Pistes http://www.pistes.uqam.ca/v11n2/articles/v11n2a3.htm (14 pages) S. Premji, P. Duguay, K. Messing, K. Lippel, «Are immigrants, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities Over-Represented in Jobs with a High Level of Compensated Risk? Results from a Montréal, Canada Study Using Census and Workers' Compensation Data», (2010) 53 (9) American Journal of Industrial Medicine 875-885. K. Lippel et A. Sikka, «Access to Workers' Compensation Benefits and Other Legal Protections for Work-Related Mental Health Problems: a Canadian Overview», (2010) 101 (S.1) Canadian Journal of Public Health S-16-S22 K. Lippel, «The Law of Workplace Bullying: An International Overview» (2010) 32 (1) Comparative Labor Law And Policy Journal 1-13. K. Lippel, M. Vézina, R. Cox, «Protection of workers' mental health in Québec: Do general duty clauses allow labour inspectors to do their job?», Safety Sci. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2010.04.011
K. Lippel, M. Quinlan, «Regulation of psychosocial risk factors at work: an international overview» (editorial), Safety Sci. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2010.09.015 Books and book chapters K. Lippel & M.C. Lefebvre, La réparation des lésions professionnelles : analyse jurisprudentielle, Éditions Yvon Blais, Cowansville, 2005 (634 pages) K. Lippel, «L'expérience du processus d'appel en matière de lésions professionnelles telle que vécue par les travailleuses et les travailleurs», (2006) 239 Développements récents en santé et sécurité du travail, Éditions Yvon Blais, Cowansville, pp. 119-180 K. Lippel, «Precarious Employment and Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Quebec» in L. Vosko (dir.), Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006, pp. 241-255. K. Lippel, «Workers' Compensation and controversial illnesses», in P. Moss and K. Teghtsoonian, Contesting Illness: Processes and Practice, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2008, pp. 47-68 K. Lippel, M. Barrette, Y. Bergeron et L. Fortin, «Le travailleur et la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles», dans Y. Bergeron, L. Fortin & R. Leclaire, Pathologie médicale de l'appareil locomoteur, Edisem/Maloine, Montréal, 2008, pp. 1283-1303 K. Lippel «'L'intervention précoce pour éviter la chronicité': enjeux juridiques», in Barreau du Québec, Service de la formation continue, (2008) 284 Développements récents en santé et sécurité du travail, Éditions Yvon Blais, Cowansville, pp. 137-187. K. Lippel et R. Cox, «Droit de la santé au travail régissant les problèmes de santé mentale: prévention, indemnisation et réadaptation», dans JurisClasseur Québec, coll. «Droit du Travail», Santé et sécurité du travail, fasc. 27, Montréal, LexisNexis Canada, feuilles mobiles 2010, (111 pages) K. Lippel, Workers' Compensation for asbestos related diseases in five Canadian provinces, report presented to the Canadian Partnership against Cancer and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, February, 2010, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1663408 (77 pages) K. Lippel, Overview of Compensation Systems from an International Perspective: A Briefing Paper to the Workers' Compensation National Strategy Meeting to be held in Washington, D.C., October 14th, 2010 Related Grants Tompa E. (P.I.) Workers' Compensation and the Consequences of Work Injury. SSHRC (CURA) Lippel K. & Diaz X. (Co-P.I.s) Work related mental health problems in Chile: A Gender perspective. IDRC-Teasdale Corti grant MacEachen E., Kosny A., Lippel K., Franche R-L. An ethnographic study of process and experience with Labour Market Re-Entry. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board RAC Hanley J., Shragge E., Dagenais L.-F., Lippel K., Gravel S. The right to health and social services for precarious status migrants to Quebec: access to Medicare and workers' compensation. SSHRC Lippel K., Eakin J. (co-PIs) & Holness L. Workers' compensation systems and their consequences for injured workers: A comparative study in Quebec and Ontario on the role of doctor. SSHRC Loisel P. (PI), et al. Work disability prevention strategic training program. Canadian Institutes for Health Research MacEachen E., Kosny A., Lippel K., Saunders R. Understanding the management of prevention and return to work in temporary work agencies. Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council (WSIB RAC) Workers' compensation for asbestos related diseases in Canada. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer - Occupational Health Clinics For Ontario Workers |