Labour-market earnings and financial security

Principal Investigator: Emile Tompa

The objective of this project is to investigate the economic consequences of work injuries and illness. It will focus on identifying the key characteristics of individuals and their context (e.g., gender, age, region of residence, family status) that bear on post-accident financial security and labour-market earnings.

Drawing on concepts of adequacy from another project in this theme, it will also investigate the degree to which workers' compensation alleviates financial insecurity. The study will be undertaken using a linked database that combines information from administrative files of the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the Longitudinal Administrative Databank.

The analysis will be based on a matching of injured individuals with similar uninjured individuals. It will compare the patterns of earnings and earnings sources of injured workers post accident with those of uninjured individuals.

This project is important to injured workers and their representatives for them to better understand the role of labour-market earnings, workers' compensation benefits, and other income sources in the financial security/insecurity of claimants post accident. The project will begin in early 2007 and will be completed in 2009.

Financial security & employment experience

Phase 1 Projects

Concepts of compensation adequacy

Inventory/catalogue of data sources

Study of barriers to claims filing

Labour-market earnings and financial security

Literature review of research on labour-market experiences and financial security

Complex Claims Study

Role of Health Care Providers in Complex Claims

Labour-Market Re-Entry Study

A Socio-Legal Ethnography of the Experiences of Injured Workers with Deeming and Re-Employment

Development of a Green Light and Red Flag Toolkit for Persistent Claims