Literature review of research on labour-market experiences and financial security
Principal Investigators: Emile Tompa
This project is a literature review of studies (including international studies) on how legislation, policies, programs and practices bear on the financial security and labour-market experiences of workers who sustain a work injury, and evidence on the adequacy and equity of benefits provided by programs in different jurisdictions.
It will synthesize knowledge on what works, how well, and why, in the context of disability compensation design. The project will begin in 2007 and is projected to be completed in 2008.
The project will be of interest to policymakers interested in knowing how to design workers' compensation legislation, policies, programs and practices that better support injured workers' return to the labour market and to sound financial security.
Financial security & employment experience
Phase 1 Projects
Concepts of compensation adequacy
Inventory/catalogue of data sources
Study of barriers to claims filing
Labour-market earnings and financial security
Literature review of research on labour-market experiences and financial security
Role of Health Care Providers in Complex Claims
A Socio-Legal Ethnography of the Experiences of Injured Workers with Deeming and Re-Employment
Development of a Green Light and Red Flag Toolkit for Persistent Claims