Health & well-being

Work injury has been associated with negative effects on workers' health and on less participation in daily activities. Studies have shown that:

Together, these factors may become more debilitating than the injury itself.

We need to know more about the nature and extent of the health effects of work injury, as well as the complex pathways by which health and well-being are affected. We also need insights into health-promoting strategies and conditions to improve the quality of life of injured workers. To address these gaps, Phase 1 research (years 1 to 3) will focus on these issues through projects that use both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Phase 1 Projects

Mental health and substance use experiences of injured workers with protracted claims

Mental health and quality of life after a work injury claim

Marital instability following a work accident

Health trajectories and health-care utilization: A long-term survey of injured workers

Injured workers' health and well-being

Immigrant workers' experiences after work-related injury and illness

Phase 2 Research

Phase 2 research (years four to five) will involve developing an approach for an intervention strategy, based on our research findings. During years four and five, this strategy will translate into an intervention research agenda involving education and training for injured workers, community service providers, and workplace parties which will be carried forward by participants in collaboration with community organisations. The intervention will be pilot tested and evaluated.