Immigrant workers' experiences after work-related injury and illness
Principal Investigator: Agnieszka Kosny
Co-Investigator: Ellen MacEachen, Peter Smith, John Shields
Community Involvement: Several community partners gave input throughout the grant writing process - this included feedback on the methodology and literature review, help conceptualizing how recruitment will unfold, and input on dissemination strategies. All are serving on the advisory committee, will help with recruitment and with dissemination of results. Community partnerships: Toronto Workers' Health and Safety Legal Clinic, Injured Worker Consultants, Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement, LAMP Community Health Centre, National Network on the Environments and Women's Health, WSIB.
Project Abstract: Immigrant workers are very important to the Canadian labour force and represent a majority of labour force growth. Yet there is some indication that the experiences of these workers can be problematic. Immigrant workers, even with high levels of formal education, are more likely to work in poor-quality, low-paying jobs. Workers with high job insecurity, poor language skills, and limited familiarity with Canadian social programs may face particular challenges when injured at work. They may not report injury if they have poor knowledge of their rights or fear job loss. These workers may also have trouble accessing and navigating the compensation system. Working closely with community groups, we will examine the experiences of injured immigrant workers in Toronto - a city with the highest level of immigration in Canada. We will interview service providers and ask immigrant workers about their experiences after injury with their employer, with health care providers and with the compensation system. This study will provide information about workers that represent an important and growing segment of our labour force. We hope that the study can help guide workplace practices, health care services and compensation policies so they can best serve immigrant workers.
Project References: Project proposal has received funding from the WSIB-RAC, September 2007 intake.
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Health & well-being
Phase 1 Projects
Mental health and substance use experiences of injured workers with protracted claims
Mental health and quality of life after a work injury claim
Marital instability following a work accident
Health trajectories and health-care utilization: A long-term survey of injured workers
Injured workers' health and well-being
Immigrant workers' experiences after work-related injury and illness