Legal and academic concepts of disability

Principal Investigators: Jaime Guzman, Harry Beatty, and Emile Tompa

In this project we will review different disability programs in existence in Ontario and other jurisdictions in Canada to distil their underlying concept of disability. We will also review academic concepts of disability including the World Health Organisation's conceptual framework of disablement.

This framework makes a distinction between disability and impairment of body structure/function, such that one can have a permanent impairment and not be work disabled. Our analysis will include an evaluation of the strengths and shortcomings of different concepts, and an evaluation of the appropriateness of the World Health Organization framework for benefits policy.

Legislation policies, programs & practices

Phase 1 Projects

The adequacy of workers' compensation benefits

Extension of Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Front Line Study

Interaction between workers' compensation and other disability income and support programs

Legal and academic concepts of disability

Lived versus statutory versions of work injury and compensation

Medical evaluation and its consequences

Policy feedback and the direction of workers' compensation policy in Ontario